Friday, April 3, 2009


So today is the forst day of the easter "holidays" and we have so much to do I dont know where to begin. The FYP report is due when we are back. We have a massive java assignment, a CGI assignment and the rest of my Project to finish. Heart failure is not an optiuon, too much to do. I have begun working on the XML generator and have made a good start at it although it's very cunfusing. I think I may have to scrap the javascript which I am currently using to generate the XML code as it seems to be messing up other stuff. My good friend Ian (or the java legend as I like to refer to him) has kindly agreed to give a helping hand on what direction to go with the coding. I shall be buying him a pint or two when this nightmare of a month is over. I'll let you know how I get on.