Monday, March 30, 2009

Report examples

Today I got my hands on a copy of last years FYP report by Jennifer Keane. It's a really nice example of what kind of report is possible given the correct time allocation and effort. Although the project she had taken on was very different to mine, I photocopied it so that I could take some ideas from it for the layout and design. Here's hoping it will be of use to me when i begin to write.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Start of Report

So while I was in college today I bumped into Denise who basically frightened me into thinking about the FYP report, something which couldn't have been further from my mind. Today I read through the detailed brief and set out a plan for how to go about starting it. Hoping to get going on it in the near future. I'll have to wait to get some more of the coding working first though so I actually have something to write about. Fingers and toes crossed...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Under pressure

Really starting to feel the strain now. Everything seems to be hitting a brick wall with regards to the programming. Aspects which were working are now re-broken. Frustrating and upsetting to say the least. Currently looking into ways of generating the xml code from the bits i have done. In for a long week i think!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First view of working AR

Here's the first image of the working augmented reality feature. Now I need to make the images and swap them over from the ones provided.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Augmented Reality.... Demented Idea!

Ok... so this is the part that has been majorly on the back burner for the entire length of the project so far. During the last few days ( and after a few short nervous breakdowns) I decided to look into the situation a bit further. I must say Im incredibly glad I did! Turns out that the route I had planned using the ReacTIVision® software was probably the most difficult I could have chosen. What I had origionally thought was going to be some straight-forward adjustments to code turned out to be a mini nightware. I would have had to create the videos in Flash, learn how to put them into a PD file and then start fiddling about with ports. This would have been fine had it been the only part of my project but I still have quite a vbit to do with the XML side of things so I have had to look for another road to travel.

I have since taken some time to refocus and have found some far more suitable software to use called the ARTag toolkit. This is the same software which is being displayed in the video which I have already displayed on this blog to explain Augmented Reality. I have installed the software and got the images displaying. No I just need to replace the graphics with ones which I have made (or rather have still to make). It's far more realistic in the time frame and it's looking like I will get it finished in time.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Research Report

Also from ages ago but better late than never! My research report. Click on the rectangle thing at the top right for full screen mode.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Powering through!

I appear to have lost my mojo to a certain extent. Not a great time for that I hear you say? You'd be right there! I just seem to be exhausted constantly and really dopey (nothing new there). In the interest of powering through I have bought some Berocca ® and I'll go to bed early to let my brain rest. With any luck I'll wake up a motivated genius.... Nah, i don't believe it either....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Flow Chart

Forgot to add this earlier, it's the flow chart which I made for my presentation. I'll be back with my storyboard as soon as I have it all scanned in.