Friday, April 24, 2009
Report is handed in!
Can't believe its done. Finally, it's over with. Wasn't particularly happy with the result as I would have liked to have the project fully working to add in the code but I spoke to Pat and she said that it would be OK to hand it in at the demo to be put into the back of the report. I made a cover and chapter dividers for the report which came out quite nice on the finished product. I'm just hoping the examiners appreciate the little things and are feeling generous.... hmmmm.
Posted by Sarah Brennan at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
So here's where I'm at...
Ok, got the swf file to display. Turns out it was a really simple error. I was missing a javascript file that is needed to display it. I think I'd been looking at it for so long that I needed to spend some time away from it and look at it with a fresh set of eyes. Anyway, once I got it to display, turned out that there are a few errors with the generated XML which need to be fixed. I'm currently working on that and praying that I get it up and running in some shape or form for the demo. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Sarah Brennan at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Panic Stations
Everything is a disaster at the moment. Project keeps breaking and refusing to display the Tiltviewer swf file, my research report is much harder to write than initially aticipated. I feel like giving up to be honest but I am willing to keep going for my own sake. May go for a quiet pint tonight to rest my nerves. I think I deserve it. Back to the grind stone tomorrow. Probably not too early....
Posted by Sarah Brennan at 1:04 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
So today is the forst day of the easter "holidays" and we have so much to do I dont know where to begin. The FYP report is due when we are back. We have a massive java assignment, a CGI assignment and the rest of my Project to finish. Heart failure is not an optiuon, too much to do. I have begun working on the XML generator and have made a good start at it although it's very cunfusing. I think I may have to scrap the javascript which I am currently using to generate the XML code as it seems to be messing up other stuff. My good friend Ian (or the java legend as I like to refer to him) has kindly agreed to give a helping hand on what direction to go with the coding. I shall be buying him a pint or two when this nightmare of a month is over. I'll let you know how I get on.
Posted by Sarah Brennan at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Report examples
Today I got my hands on a copy of last years FYP report by Jennifer Keane. It's a really nice example of what kind of report is possible given the correct time allocation and effort. Although the project she had taken on was very different to mine, I photocopied it so that I could take some ideas from it for the layout and design. Here's hoping it will be of use to me when i begin to write.
Posted by Sarah Brennan at 12:43 PM 0 comments